Wow, what ever happened to the official start of winter being on December 21st?? It's been several weeks of barely 2-digit temps, several decent snowfalls, and even a 2-hour delay for the schools! (Insert obligatory "So much for 'global warming' joke here"). In any case, I believe winter is much more bearable if there is pretty snow to look at and play in. So two weekends ago, after a wonderful snowy luncheon at the Villa Restuarant (also a bed & breakfast - SO CUTE!) with a few cherished grad school friends, Jason and I decided to venture out for a wintery walk around our area. As I mentioned before, our apartment is downtown but more specifically we're located in St. Joseph's Historic Neighborhood. We love taking walks around the neighborhood and the snow was a fun bonus and made for some great pictures!
The snow was falling pretty heavily; you can barely see the buildings 9 blocks away from our corner, which you can usually see perfectly!
Dead branches covered in snow are interesting...or maybe I just got trigger-happy on my camera :)
I just love how the holly is peeking through the snow! That is holly, right?
This tree was just begging to have it's picture taken.
I hope we get to do this again soon!
Awe! Looks like you had so much fun with your love in the snow. Fun blog! :-)